Excellence in the Community presents: The Redfeather Acoustic Quartet
April 7, 2025 7:30 PM –9:00 PM
Arts & Culture Categories: * PERFORMING ARTS,Band,Entertainment,Instrumental,Music,Rhythm-Blues,Rock-N-Roll,Vocal Group
Audience: Children,Teens,Adults
Type of Event: * DOWNTOWN,Concert,Entertainment,Show
Cost: Free, Tickets Required.
Link: https://www.ogdenpet.com/events/2025/excellence-in-the-community-the-redfeather-acoustic-quartet
This is a free event, but tickets are required.
With acoustic guitars and three part harmonies, the Red Feather Acoustic Quartet pays tribute to the singer / songwriters of the 50s, 60s, and 70s. Songs from Loggins & Messina, the Everly Brothers. Jimmy Buffett, Willie Nelson, CCR, Crosby, Stills & Nash, Neil Young, the Beatles, Peter & Gordon, James Taylor, Simon & Garfunkel, George Straight, and more, are on the program.