Celtic Celebration
March 17, 2025 7:00 PM –9:00 PM
Peery's Egyptian Theater
2415 Washington Blvd.
Ogden, UT 84401
Arts & Culture Categories: * PERFORMING ARTS,Cultural,Dance,Entertainment,Instrumental,Music
Audience: Children,Teens,Adults
Type of Event: * DOWNTOWN,Concert,Entertainment,Show
Cost: $10-15
Link: https://www.ogdenpet.com/events/2025/celtic-celebration
Experience the authentic textures of Ireland and Scotland at our annual Celtic Celebration. High energy jigs and lyrical ballads weave an enchantment. Step dancers bring fire and energy to the stage. Haunting pipes and drums inspire images of lonely cliffs and brilliant green fields. Come celebrate the Irish in you and throw back a cold one in the theater. Sure to please everyone in the family.