Beehive Naturals
The Beehive Naturals story began in 2012. Sam wanted to follow his family’s farming tradition, Steph had a background in hair and skin, but they both had a passion for entrepreneurship. They pursued this passion by purchasing honeybees and began learning the basics of beekeeping on their farm. In no time, they had bees, chickens, and then goats, the latter to satisfy the milk requirements for four growing boys. It was not long before they realized they had an excess of product, which they didn’t want to waste. Steph quickly researched ways to use goat milk and began enticing friends and family to try out her homemade soaps and lotions. Her products were an instant success, thus Beehive Naturals was born!

Holiday Shopping In Ogden
Give the gift of local this season. While ordering gifts online from large retailers is convenient, we encourage you to…

Free Fifth Mondays in Ogden. Because four is enough.
No month should contain more than four Mondays. Any 5th Monday should be at least a half-day off… the end…