12 Ways To Watch Out In The Wasatch
You don't have to stay inside to be warm, dry, and safe. Winter recreation around Ogden, Utah can be just as epic as summer recreation.
One of the appeals of outdoor recreation, particularly the backcountry variety, is leaving the rigid structures, rules, and regulations that are a part of the daily grind in densely populated areas.
We’re not here to lecture you on the responsibility or impose rules on the Ogden-area backcountry. We’ve just seen how quickly the romance of being “out there on your own” can vanish when Search & Rescue crews get involved. We’ve compiled a few friendly recommendations to help make everyone’s winter outdoor recreation more enjoyable.

12. Let ‘em Know
Let someone know where you plan to be for the day and a rough estimation of when you will return. Whether you’re venturing deep into our backcountry, just taking a short day hike, or spending a day at one of our resorts, send a friendly text to a loved one to let them know where you are and what time you expect to return. Attach a selfie to show what you’re wearing for good measure.
Get the right gear and apply a few commonsense tactics so your next outdoor adventure isn’t your last. After all, we want you to come back to Ogden!